An excellent opportunity to grow
Maintain growth for enhancing knowledge, skills, and experience needed to excel in your business or career.
Continuing education for
a brighter future!
Enhance your abilities to boost your career or business growth with our series of courses made right for you!
Tax Preparation Course
Refresh your tax preparation skills in no time and complete your IRS-required study hours.
Annual Filing Season Program
To be updated with changes in tax laws, this course will give you the IRS updates you need.
In just a few days, with our course, you will easily understand your business’s finances, so it grows with peace of mind.
Courses founded with experience
Our courses are based on our team’s years of combined experience and are certified by the IRS.
It’s time to keep growing
Get the knowledge that will enhance your business or career. Start today!
Our graduates share their experiences
See how other professionals like you experience training with Latin X.
Expanding your knowledge brings you many advantages
Learn more about the importance of growing your skills.
Get help from our experts
Undecided on which course is right for you? We are to help! A quick commitment-free overview with one of our onboard members can help identify the most valuable course for you.